
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paying tribute to ....

My first husband, my soulmate and the father of my oldest child.  Died in Vietnam to ensure freedom for all.  Thanks, sweetheart. We still miss you!


  1. wow.... wonderful picture. Thank you for reminding us the sacrifice that many has made. God bless you!

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo Sandi! Sometimes photos speak so much louder than words.

  3. Goodness Sandi,
    Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo with us.Puts tears in my eyes. Freedom isn't free, the ultimate sacrifice that some have made for this country is something that no one can put a price tag on..God bless you and your family, and hold on to those precious memories that you still have.

  4. Thank you for sharing this with us and thank you to our military for the sacrifce they make for us.

  5. Oh Sandi, what a tragic time this much have been for you and your family!! And to know that so many others have gone through this or are going through the same thing now just breaks my heart!!! I don't usually agree with my little brother, but when he said that we should be honoring our service men and women EVERY day and not just on Memorial and Veterans Day I totally agree!!! Without them we would not be FREE!!! Hugs to you GF!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!!!

  6. What a great tribute Sandi! Thanks for sharing, I had no idea!
